TMCTF Qualification Round 2015 - Analysis-offensive 200 - VirusClicker

This is how I solved VirusClicker

For this challenge, first we decompile the android application to DEX code: java -jar apktoo.jar d VirusClicker.apk

Now we have smali codes. We also decompile the code to native Java code, but we won't be able to recompile back from Java codes. At least in this case, I tried and it didn't work. Simply I used dex2jar and I loaded the Java classes in JD-GUI, exported to Eclipse for better reading and refactoring. While reading the code I noticed an interesting thing in

This file does have onTouchEvent which is handler for our clicks over the button. alt text

This function as you can see adds 1 to our click counter and calls with current click count. alt text

As you can see it uses shared preferences and if your click counts are equal to 3769 OR 10007 OR 59239 OR 100003 OR 495221 OR 1000003 OR 9999999

will write a char to DATA field in shared preferences, which you can also watch it in Android emulator. Just navigate to (/data/data/appfolder/shared_prefs)

So here I decided to patch related code in smali for Click counter. This is original untouched smali code: alt text

So I quickly wrote a code in a new Android project, I wrote this:

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
    private int g=0;
    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        if (this.g == 1000003) this.g = 9999999;
        if (this.g == 495221) this.g = 1000003;
        if (this.g == 100003) this.g = 495221;
        if (this.g == 59239) this.g = 100003;
        if (this.g == 10007) this.g = 59239;
        if (this.g == 3769) this.g = 10007;
        if (this.g == 0) this.g = 3769;


So I compiled it to APK, then I used apktool to get smali code, I then replaced counter code which increases click count by 1 to increase it as we need. So after first click, counter will be 3769, then 10007, then 59239 and so on...


# virtual methods
.method public onTouchEvent(Landroid/view/MotionEvent;)Z
    .locals 4

    const/4 v3, 0x1

    invoke-virtual {p1}, Landroid/view/MotionEvent;->getAction()I

    move-result v0

    packed-switch v0, :pswitch_data_0

    return v3

    iput-boolean v3, p0, Lcom/tm/ctf/clicker/activity/c;->h:Z

    goto :goto_0

    const/4 v0, 0x0

    iput-boolean v0, p0, Lcom/tm/ctf/clicker/activity/c;->h:Z

    iget v0, p0, Lcom/tm/ctf/clicker/activity/c;->g:I

#addition starts

    const v1, 0x98967f

    if-ne v0, v1, :cond_11

    const v0, 0x989680

    iput v0, p0, Lcom/tm/ctf/clicker/activity/c;->g:I

    iget v0, p0, Lcom/tm/ctf/clicker/activity/c;->g:I

    const v1, 0xf4243

    if-ne v0, v1, :cond_12

    const v0, 0x98967f

    iput v0, p0, Lcom/tm/ctf/clicker/activity/c;->g:I


    iget v0, p0, Lcom/tm/ctf/clicker/activity/c;->g:I

    const v1, 0x78E75

    if-ne v0, v1, :cond_13

    const v0, 0xF4243

    iput v0, p0, Lcom/tm/ctf/clicker/activity/c;->g:I


    iget v0, p0, Lcom/tm/ctf/clicker/activity/c;->g:I

    const v1, 0x186A3

    if-ne v0, v1, :cond_14

    const v0, 0x78E75

    iput v0, p0, Lcom/tm/ctf/clicker/activity/c;->g:I


    iget v0, p0, Lcom/tm/ctf/clicker/activity/c;->g:I

    const v1, 0xE767

    if-ne v0, v1, :cond_15

    const v0, 0x186A3

    iput v0, p0, Lcom/tm/ctf/clicker/activity/c;->g:I


    iget v0, p0, Lcom/tm/ctf/clicker/activity/c;->g:I

    const v1, 0x2717

    if-ne v0, v1, :cond_16

    const v0, 0xE767

    iput v0, p0, Lcom/tm/ctf/clicker/activity/c;->g:I


    iget v0, p0, Lcom/tm/ctf/clicker/activity/c;->g:I

    const v1, 0xEB9

    if-ne v0, v1, :cond_17

    const v0, 0x2717

    iput v0, p0, Lcom/tm/ctf/clicker/activity/c;->g:I


    iget v0, p0, Lcom/tm/ctf/clicker/activity/c;->g:I

    const v1, 0

    if-ne v0, v1, :cond_18

    const v0, 0xEB9

    iput v0, p0, Lcom/tm/ctf/clicker/activity/c;->g:I


#end addition

    invoke-static {}, Lcom/tm/ctf/clicker/a/a;->b()V

    const/16 v0, 0xeb9


Now I compiled it back using apktool, then used jarsigner to sign the new APK and loaded it in emulator. I thought that's it and if I fix the clicker, all will be over. But for some reason, it just didn't work, maybe it was me. Anyway, clicker worked. Then it loaded Congragulations class/code and never showed flag. So now I decided to analyze it in IDA. When I read the code in Java decompiler, I noticed following code in /src/com/tm/ctf/clicker/activity/

public b(Context paramContext, String paramString)
    this.g = (paramString + "MT");

  private void a(Canvas paramCanvas, Paint paramPaint)
    int i = (int)paramPaint.measureText("Conguraturations!");
    paramCanvas.drawText("Conguraturations!", (this.c - i) / 2, this.d / 6 * 2, paramPaint);
    i = (int)paramPaint.measureText("The flag is ...");
    paramCanvas.drawText("The flag is ...", (this.c - i) / 2, this.d / 6 * 3, paramPaint);
    String str1 =, "click_machine").toString();
    String str2 = "TMCTF{" + this.f + "}";
    i = (int)paramPaint.measureText(str2);
    paramCanvas.drawText(str2, (this.c - i) / 2, this.d / 6 * 4, paramPaint);
    Log.i("VirusClicker", "length=" + str1.length());

  public void a()
    this.f = (this.g + "BN" +;
    this.f =;

As you can see Flag consisted of some strings combined together, then base64 decoded in which is being called in void a()

So string parts all should be placed in this.f which is a String

this.f = this.g which is paramString + 'MT then 'BN' appended to it, then output of

So to dissect this: ==> String from DATA in shared_prefs paramString is coming from ALL java codes, each one as loaded appends 1-2 chars to it, so we need dynamic analysis to find this one.

What I did is, I placed a breakpoint in Congragulations code in IDA, did the clicks and got 10M, then when it tried to show Congrats page which doesn't have flag, I opened Locals window in IDA and got the paramString. I got this: Q29uZ3JhdHNf

Then after 10M clicks, I read the shared_prefs (or I could've just combined the strings from Score code), it gave me: Q2xpY2tzCg

So adding the two string plus BN and MT in correct order, we get:


So we do: root# echo Q29uZ3JhdHNfMTBNQ2xpY2tzCg== | base64 -d Congrats_10MClicks Then we add the TMCTF{} and final flag is:



Written on September 28, 2015