CSAW CTF Qualification Round 2015 - Forensics 150
This is how we solved Forensics 150 :)
For this challenge, we were presented with a pcap file : pcapin_73c7fb6024b5e6eec22f5a7dcf2f5d82.pcap
If you stare at the image below long enough, you will see a pattern on how the transaction is taking place.
The first thing we did was to try and decode the first sequence of packets
This was sent
00000000 00 08 00 00 07 31 f9 e9 .....1..
And this was received
00000000 00 44 00 00 07 32 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 25 f2 a9 .D...2.. .....%..
00000010 8d 96 8a 8c 84 9c 87 8d c7 89 8d 9f e9 f9 e9 f9 ........ ........
00000020 e9 f9 e9 f9 e9 f9 e9 f9 e9 f9 e9 f9 e9 f9 e9 f9 ........ ........
00000030 e9 f9 e9 f9 e9 f9 e9 f9 e9 f9 e9 f9 e9 f9 e9 f9 ........ ........
00000040 e9 f9 60 00 ..`.
00000044 00 44 00 00 07 32 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 28 a9 .D...2.. ......(.
00000054 9a 98 84 89 85 9c c7 8d 80 9f e9 f9 e9 f9 e9 f9 ........ ........
00000064 e9 f9 e9 f9 e9 f9 e9 f9 e9 f9 e9 f9 e9 f9 e9 f9 ........ ........
00000074 e9 f9 e9 f9 e9 f9 e9 f9 e9 f9 e9 f9 e9 f9 e9 f9 ........ ........
00000084 e9 f9 60 00 00 44 00 00 07 32 00 01 00 00 00 00 ..`..D.. .2......
00000094 00 00 15 c1 86 8c 9d 9f 80 95 8c d7 8d 98 9d f9 ........ ........
000000A4 e9 f9 e9 f9 e9 f9 e9 f9 e9 f9 e9 f9 e9 f9 e9 f9 ........ ........
000000B4 e9 f9 e9 f9 e9 f9 e9 f9 e9 f9 e9 f9 e9 f9 e9 f9 ........ ........
000000C4 e9 f9 e9 f9 e9 f9 60 00 00 44 00 00 07 32 00 01 ......`. .D...2..
000000D4 00 00 00 00 00 05 36 0a 8e 8b 8c 80 b6 97 86 a6 ......6. ........
000000E4 8f 90 9b 9c 9e 98 85 95 c7 83 80 89 e9 f9 e9 f9 ........ ........
000000F4 e9 f9 e9 f9 e9 f9 e9 f9 e9 f9 e9 f9 e9 f9 e9 f9 ........ ........
00000104 e9 f9 e9 f9 e9 f9 e9 f9 e9 f9 60 00 ........ ..`.
00000110 00 44 00 00 07 32 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 15 c1 .D...2.. ........
00000120 8f 95 88 9e c7 89 87 9e e9 f9 e9 f9 e9 f9 e9 f9 ........ ........
00000130 e9 f9 e9 f9 e9 f9 e9 f9 e9 f9 e9 f9 e9 f9 e9 f9 ........ ........
00000140 e9 f9 e9 f9 e9 f9 e9 f9 e9 f9 e9 f9 e9 f9 e9 f9 ........ ........
00000150 e9 f9 60 00 00 44 00 00 07 32 00 01 00 00 00 00 ..`..D.. .2......
00000160 00 02 21 d9 9b 9c 9a 8c 84 9c c7 89 8d 9f e9 f9 ..!..... ........
00000170 e9 f9 e9 f9 e9 f9 e9 f9 e9 f9 e9 f9 e9 f9 e9 f9 ........ ........
00000180 e9 f9 e9 f9 e9 f9 e9 f9 e9 f9 e9 f9 e9 f9 e9 f9 ........ ........
00000190 e9 f9 e9 f9 e9 f9 60 00 00 44 00 00 07 32 00 01 ......`. .D...2..
000001A0 00 00 00 00 00 00 6f 00 8e 96 8d d7 99 9a 88 89 ......o. ........
000001B0 87 9e e9 f9 e9 f9 e9 f9 e9 f9 e9 f9 e9 f9 e9 f9 ........ ........
000001C0 e9 f9 e9 f9 e9 f9 e9 f9 e9 f9 e9 f9 e9 f9 e9 f9 ........ ........
000001D0 e9 f9 e9 f9 e9 f9 e9 f9 e9 f9 60 00 00 44 00 00 ........ ..`..D..
000001E0 07 32 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 7a 00 84 98 85 8e .2...... ..z.....
000001F0 88 8b 8c d7 8c 81 8c f9 e9 f9 e9 f9 e9 f9 e9 f9 ........ ........
00000200 e9 f9 e9 f9 e9 f9 e9 f9 e9 f9 e9 f9 e9 f9 e9 f9 ........ ........
00000210 e9 f9 e9 f9 e9 f9 e9 f9 e9 f9 e9 f9 e9 f9 60 00 ........ ......`.
00000220 45 4e 44 END
By looking at the structure of the bytes, we initially came up with this structure for the data received.
WORD wPacketLength
WORD wUnknown1
WORD wMarker1
WORD wUnknown2
DWORD dw Unknown 3
BYTE bPacketData[wPacketLength-12]
And using some guess work, we figured that the "key" was sent in the first set of data Using the "key", we tried the most obvious, to xor the data with it
Using the same xor key, we decoded the second the 2nd send, it was requesting for flag.png
By now we had thought that we had this in the bag, use the same xor key and profit! :D But when that didn't work, we took a valid png and tried to figure out the "new" xor key. To decode the header, the key 0x50 0x3F was used, by now, we thought this is it, we win!. But the organizers had a crueler fate planned for us and once again we were down a deeper rabbit hole. After much mucking around it finally hit us, the packet header must contain some sort of key that is sent back with it to decode the data. And after much experimentation we managed to solve this challenge.
Our final script to decode the png looks like below
import struct
import sys
def decode(input, key):
key_pos = 0
output = []
for i in input:
d = ord(i) ^ key[key_pos]
key_pos += 1
if key_pos >= len(key):
key_pos = 0
return output
def decode_data(raw_file_in, raw_file_out):
with open(raw_file_in, "rb") as f:
data = f.read()
with open(raw_file_out, "wb")as f:
while len(data) > 3:
key = [ 0xE9, 0xF9 ]
if(ord(data[4]) != 0x07 and ord(data[5]) != 0x32):
print hex(ord(data[4])), hex(ord(data[5]))
print "Misalignment has occoured! :("
packet_size = int(struct.unpack(">H", data[0:2])[0])
print "Packet Size : " + str(packet_size)
print "Key Offset: " + hex(struct.unpack(">H", data[2:4])[0])
print "key[0] = %.2x key[1] = %x " % (key[0], key[1])
k1 = struct.unpack(">B", data[2:3])[0]
k0 = struct.unpack(">B", data[3:4])[0]
key[0] = (key[0] + k0) & 0xFF
key[1] = ((key[1] + k1) & 0xFF) + 1
print "key[0] = %.2x key[1] = %x k0= %.2x k1= %.2x" % (key[0], key[1], k0, k1)
print "Unknown_2 : " + hex(struct.unpack(">H", data[4:6])[0])
print "Unknown_3 : " + hex(struct.unpack(">H", data[6:8])[0])
counter = struct.unpack(">H", data[8:10])[0]
print "Unknown_4 : " + hex(struct.unpack(">H", data[10:12])[0])
print "Counter : " + hex(counter)
content = data[0x0C:packet_size]
data = data[packet_size:]
print "Balance of data = " + str(len(data))
print ""
sol = decode(content, key)
decode_data("recv_2.raw", "dump.png")